Money and Weight Thermostat
We have energy set points just like our house has a temperature thermostat. When your thermostat is set at 70 degrees, if it gets hotter than that, the heat won’t turn on. If it gets colder than that the heat will kick on to maintain that 70 degree temperature.
In general terms, if you earn more money, or gain more weight than your programmed setpoint, your expenses will expand to drop you back to that level. Or you will naturally eat less to drop down to that setpoint weight.
If you earn less than your set point or lose weight below your set point, your income will naturally expand to go back to the setpoint or you will eat more to go back to that comfortable weight.
Your body and spirit want to keep things status quo. They want to maintain the set point and they will do everything to do that, just like the thermostat in your home.
Your set point can be adjusted and reprogrammed when you change your thinking, your beliefs, and your habits that maintain the set point.
But first you need to be aware of what the set point is, what specifically is keeping it there, and what you need to do to shift it.
The money and weight thermostats give you that awareness.

Money Thermostat
What's included:
- Your personal financial setpoint.
- How much of your energy is abundant and how much is in scarcity.
- Your divine financial setpoint, or your current potential.
- 3 specific blocks you have to being more abundant.
- The specific abundance law you need to focus on.
- The linchpin, the one thing you can do that will shift everything.
- Recommendations and journal prompts to make that shift.

Weight Thermostat
What's included:
- Your current weight setpoint.
- What percentage of that weight is emotional, mental, spiritual and physical.
- Your divine weight setpoint.
- How aligned you are with your divine weight.
- 3 specific blocks that are causing emotional eating.
- Primary emotions that are keeping you stuck.
- The linchpin, the one thing you can do that will shift everything.
- Recommendations and journal prompts to make that shift.