Julie Hawkes

Abundance Blueprint

Do you sometimes wake up in the middle of the night worrying about finances?

Have you ever panicked about unexpected expenses that have come up? 

What if you could create a personal economy that isn’t tied to the stock market?

What if you could be secure in your finances no matter what is happening all around you? 

What if you had money for your needs and your wants

Would you like to learn how to create a personal economy that isn't tied to the world economy?  


God's economy is different, there is always enough and some to spare. 

Outside circumstances don't determine your wealth. 

The Abundance Blueprint is a Master Class about the Universal Laws of Abundance and how to access that abundance as taught by God in the scriptures. 

It's all there! Every universal law! Because it is universal truth, it is also found within the scriptures. 

When you take action based on a deep understanding of divine principles it creates: 

  • Peace of mind
  • New patterns of financial stability (i.e. more money comes in and it won't all disappear in unexpected expenses).
  • Profound confidence as you make financial decisions. 

Applying Abundance Laws can literally change who you are and how you show up in life as you allow the Savior to work more completely in the details of your life. 

Are you ready to stop worrying about money and finances all the time? 

What participants are saying: 

Marie Byer

“Being in the Abundance class has truly strengthened my faith and let me work through some negative things I have been holding onto. Thank you for putting this class together. I can’t wait for the second part.”

Tiffany McLaws

"I have loved these classes!! I like how you used scriptures to show connections to divine law as this is something I've heard about - but don't have much knowledge or experience on so it was great to learn more. I love the clearing sessions you've done at the end too!"


Paula King

I loved the Abundance blueprint class! It opened my understanding of Gods laws of abundance. It helped me see that my inherent beliefs were contradictory to Gods ways and were blocking my ability to receive all He has for me."


What you will get in the Abundance Blueprint Master Class: 

  • Precise knowledge and understanding of what the Universal Laws of Abundance are and how to activate them in your life. 

  • Actual "how to's" to apply the laws in your daily life. 
  • A deeper understanding of who God is, how He works in your life and how much He loves you. 
  • How to become an abundant person; how to have a mighty change of heart about money and finances. 
  • How to let go of generations of core beliefs that limit your access to "extras" and "more than enough". 
  • How to disconnect from the evidence all around you that says there won't be enough, and you are never enough; which allows you to reconnect to God, the Source of all abundance and supply. 

Ultimately as you apply the principles and patterns you learn in this class you will literally become a new person filled with more joy, more hope, more peace, and certainly more money.  


What the class entails:

  • Weekly, 1 hour, zoom meetings
  • Energy work to clear blocks, balance your energy and settle your heart.
  • Each session is recorded to rewatch.
  • Assignments in PDF form to print and keep so you can dive deep between sessions to get more clarity and accelerate your progress. 
  • There are 6 sessions. 
  • The cost is $297. You can pay it all at once, in two installments of $148.50 or 3 installments of $99. 

3 Payments


  • Weekly, 1 hour, zoom meetings
  • Energy work
  • Recorded sessions
  • Printable PDF's

2 Payments


  • Weekly, 1 hour, zoom meetings
  • Energy work
  • Recorded sessions
  • Printable PDF's



  • Weekly, 1 hour, zoom meetings
  • Energy work
  • Recorded sessions
  • Printable PDF's